John 6

February 2, 2008

Key Verse: John 6: 5-6 “Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do”

My Reflection: I think its a little funny that Jesus asked Philip this question even though he knew the answer. I like that He does this though because it makes it so that we have to still have to work for the answer to whatever it is we are looking for. He knows the answer and He knows how to get there but He still wants us to ask for help and to pursue the answer, causing us to grow in faith.

My prayer is that I can trust the Lord to do great things and miracles in and through my life.

John 4

February 1, 2008

Key Verse: John 4:42″Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know he is indeed the Savior of the world.”

My Reflection: I think it is important to remember that people will believe when they experience Christ themselves and we don’t have to expain it to them with a million words. Basically we just have to say come and see for yourself and people will get it.

I pray to you Lord in thanks for being so amazing that we only have to tell people to come and see You and they will know you are God. I thank you Lord for being so amazing and making it so easy for us to tell other people about you. You are all we need.

John 3

January 31, 2008

Key Verse: John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

My reflection: I think that for the popularity of the preceding verse this one would get quoted more often but sadly this is not so. I think that along with God sending his only son people should know that He sent His Son not to do what most people think He does, which is to condemned us all for our sinful nature and actions. It brings so much hope to know that we were meant to be saved from a horrible wretched fate.

My Prayer is that we can remember that God doesn’t just sit and condemn us for being sinners and I prkay we can accept the forgiveness that he has made so readily available to us.


January 30, 2008

I feel like throwing up. I found out where the mice that have bee living in my house are coming in and out and so we had to set traps there and one of them just went off. I aided in the death of a mouse that was nice. I was hanging out with him last night and just made it so he couldn’t really get into my room and steal my garbage. Now he is dead and I wish I could have just set a trap that kept him alive so I could relocate him to a place where mice enjoy life. dang.

John 2

January 29, 2008

Key Verse: John 2:15 “Jesus made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the temple. He drove out the sheep and cattle, scattered the money changer’s coins over the floor, and turned over their tables.”

Reflection: I think it is amazing that Jesus was so serious about who He was that He did some incredibly extreme things. He had the audacity to go in and bring to the forefront the madness and the disgusting nature of what was going on in the temple, the Lords house. He abandoned regard for whether or not people would think He was a nut and did work. He stood up for something even though some people may have thought he was insane.

My prayer today is that we can all find the strength to stand up in the face of adversity regardless of whether or not other people will think its right or o.k. I pray that we can have the fortitude to take radical action when necessary and also I pray for the knowledge and the wisdom to be able to know when it is needed.

John 1

January 29, 2008

Key Verse: John 1: 1 “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was God, and the Word was with God.” 

Reflection: I like that this book starts off like this. I have a study bible and it explains that John is the gospel where Jesus is shown as fully man and fully God. Its like the whole book is to build faith in Christ as the one and only God because it shows that as a man he maintained that part of himself. crazy I know, but its good stuff.

My prayer is that just as God is in my heart so will His word be. I pray that I can have a great understanding of the things he has seen fit to show us through in His word, so that I can not only apply them to my own life but aid people in doing the same. 


January 23, 2008

I am signing up to go to yale university and do a three hour test to help a study they are doing. I get 50 bucks just for doing it plus I can get more money and also the chance to go and do more tests and get monies. Awesome.

January 17, 2008


January 14, 2008

Lately it seems that everything that could go wrong has. Things have been piling up more than ever and it all just seems to not be working out at all. It is so disheartening to see things like this and its been getting the better of me and causing me to fall into doubt and shame and just an all around negative place. But I was thinking about it this morning and i am so pumped that things are going wrong. It sounds crazy I know but it is actually super encouraging to see problems pile up and turn into a mountain in front of me. I feel this way because I realized that ever since I have jumped headfirst into a God given opportunity, thats when the negative happenings started. I realized that satan is so totally scared and worried about his future because I feel that he knows the God is going to use us all in such an amazing and powerful way to change this area, which has been under satan’s hold for far too long. He is shaking in his boots because he knows what’s coming for him and he is trying to throw everything he has got at me to try and get me to give up on the Lord. So I am excited and I am confident in the future because if things are bad for me now I know that we are going to have great victory through Christ. Its gonna be soooo good. So if things are going wrong and bad things keep happening to you now or in the future Rejoice! We have been called to greatness so it goes without saying that we are going to have work through some things to get there. But we can through Him!

jangle jamz

December 18, 2007

So I am going today at like 3 or 3:30 to get my car. Nice. I am as we speak listening to a new jam by Anathallo and it is amazing. If you could just pray every single day that I can book them at LP in the spring that would be amazing. I think that we need this show to happen so . Do it. Here be a link to that songGodspeed